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Milford on Sea Methodist Church has been awarded an Eco Church Bronze Award from A Rocha UK.

A Rocha UK is a Christian charity working to protect and restore the natural world and committed to equipping Christians and churches in the UK to care for the environment.

To enable Milford on Sea Methodist Church to gain this award it needed to look at five different areas of church life:
Worship and teaching, Buildings and Energy, Land and Nature, Community and Global Engagement and Lifestyle.

Over the last year the church has reviewed current practices, both good and not so good and how these impact on the wider environment. They have then implemented changes where needs be and put in place new practices and ways of supporting both the church community and the wider community.

Examples include targeting the reduction of energy use and lowering the churches carbon footprint. Signage which reminds us of the need to save energy such as signs to remind everyone to turn lights off. Setting up a recycling programme and using recycled toilet paper. Taking part in litter picks, supporting members getting to church and reducing any food waste, no roast potato ever goes to waste at the Methodist Church! Whilst all these things are individually small, when added together they make an impact.

The plans are to continue building on their award into 2025 with a number of projects including organising events for all church members such as a Bird Watching trip, and environmental nature talks. They are also working with a local landscaping company to develop the area at the back of the church and beyond the carpark.

The plan is to open up this area, which is currently mainly brambles, to turn it into an area of grass with wild flowers, bug houses and bird feeders with a bench where church members can sit, relax and reflect. The hope is that this will all be completed during 2025.

For further information regarding Milford on Sea Methodist Church and its Eco Church Award please contact Mike Gough at:

Milford talks about Eco Church

On Sunday 21st January 2024, the church Stewards led the morning service and

adopted the theme of "Caring for God's world"

There were Bible readings from Genesis Chapter 1 and Psalm 8 as well as a poem

"Nature" by James Greene. Videos of "Nature shines with beauty", "Everywhere
around me" and "If the fields are parched" all fitted in with the theme.

There were two reflections.
Firstly, upon what we have done to God's world when issues such as food waste in the UK, global climate change and nature conservation were considered.
We also gave thought to God's covenant with creation through Noah as expressed through the sight of the rainbow. Creation care is integral to the Gospel. As followers of Jesus, we are called to live in His world and act as stewards of it for the benefit of all not just humankind.

Second reflection, was all about Eco Church. An explanation was given of the 5key areas of the Church life upon which each church is rated:

  • Worship and teaching
  • Management of Church buildings
  • Management of Church land
  • Community and global engagement
  • Lifestyle

Milford has signed up to the Eco Church community and is reviewing what it has already done and what more it can do to make the world a better place.

After the service , over a cup of coffee, the congregation were encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas on what initiatives we might introduce in the coming months.

Click on the website address below to learn more about Eco Church

Website address for more information- click here:-
So watch this space...


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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